Title : Apocalypto
Genre : Drama, Action
Directed : Mel Gibson
Year : 2006
Duration : 120 Minutes
Stars : Rudy Youngblood - Jaguar Paw
Dalia Hernández – Seven
Jonathan Brewer – Blunted
Morris Birdyellowhead - Flint Sky
Carlos Emilio Báez - Turtles Run
Amílcar Ramírez - Curl Nose
Israel Contreras - Smoke Frog
Israel Ríos - Cocoa Leaf
María Isabel Díaz - Mother-in-Law
Iazúa Laríos - Sky Flower
Raoul Trujillo - Zero Wolf
Gerardo Taracena - Middle Eye
Rodolfo Palacios - Snake Ink
Ariel Galván - Hanging Moss
Bernardo Ruiz - Drunkards Four
Ricardo Díaz Mendoza - Cut Rock
Richard Can - Ten Peccary
Carlos Ramos - Monkey Jaw
Ammel Rodrigo Mendoza - Buzzard Hook
Marco Antonio Argueta - Speaking Wind
Aquetzali García - Oracle Girl
María Isidra Hoil - Oracle GirL
Abel Woolrich - Laughing man
1. In The Jungle
2. In the Village
3. In the River
4. In the Valley
5. In the Limestone Mountains
6. In the Cornfield
7. In The Mass Grave
8. In the Beach
This film begins with scenes of hunting tapirs made by Jaguar Paw, his father Flint Sky, and some of his friends. After getting Tapirs, and Jaguar Paw provide the parts to the meat of his friends are. Once the process of meat, they returned to the village. At night, the tribe's elder tells the village a fable of man forever unable to fill his want, despite having been given the capabilities of all of the animals. The villagers follow the story with music and dance, leaving Jaguar Paw to ponder.
In the morning, jaguar Paw awakened from sleep because he have dreamed of a man who injured stomach while holding heart and said to the jaguar Paw to flee immediately. Jaguar Paw wakes from a nightmare to see strangers enter the village. The raiders, attack and subdue the villagers. Jaguar Paw slips out with his pregnant wife Seven and his little son Turtles Run, lowering them on a vine into a small cave to hide them. A raider whom Jaguar Paw attacks and almost kills, the vicious Middle Eye, slits Flint Sky's throat while Jaguar Paw helplessly watches. His last words to him are to not be afraid.
The raiders and their captives trek toward the Maya city, encountering razed forests, failed maize crops, slaves producing plaster, and the sick and dying. A small diseased girl prophesies that a man bringing the jaguar will bring the raiders to those who will scratch out the earth and end their world.
In the city's outskirts, the female captives are sold as slaves and the males are escorted to the top of a step pyramid. The high priest sacrifices several captives by decapitating them after pulling out their beating hearts. When Jaguar Paw is about to be sacrificed, a solar eclipse stays the priest's hand. The priest declares the sun god Kukulkan is satisfied with the sacrifices. To trick the crowd into believing he has great power, he asks Kukulkan to let light return to the world just as he knows the eclipse will pass. The crowd cheers in amazement as the priest orders that the remaining captives be disposed of.
Zero Wolf takes the villagers to an amphitheater. The captives are released in pairs and forced to run the length of the open space within the amphitheater to give Zero Wolf's men target practice, with a cynical promise of freedom, should they reach the end of the field alive. However, Zero Wolf's son, Cut Rock is sent to the end of the field to "dispose of" any survivors. The raiders target them with javelins, arrows, and slingstones as they run. Jaguar Paw is struck by an arrow through the abdomen but reaches the end of the field and breaks off the arrowhead. As Cut Rock, approaches to finish him off with an obsidian blade, Jaguar Paw shoves the broken arrow into Cut Rock's throat. Jaguar Paw escapes through a withered maize field and an open mass grave.
Along the way, one of the raiders is killed by a black jaguar that has been disturbed by Jaguar Paw. As he flees, Jaguar Paw jumps over a high waterfall and survives, declaring from the riverbank below that the raiders are now in his homelands.
Zero Wolf's raiders jump the waterfall as well, then fall to both the forest's elements and Jaguar Paw's traps. A heavy rain sets in, which begins to flood the ground cave in which Jaguar Paw's wife and son are still trapped. Jaguar Paw bludgeons Middle Eye in hand-to-hand combat and kills Zero Wolf by leading him into a trap meant for hunting tapir.
After all, He returns in time to save the family, and sees that his wife has given birth to a healthy second son. As the family walks near the coastline, Jaguar Paw's wife asks what the strange objects near the shore are. Jaguar Paw responds only that "they bring men." Jaguar Paw and his family go deeper into the forest, "to seek a new beginning," leaving the Spanish who are anchored in ships off the beach.
According to me, this film is very interesting. In addition to showing the nature and inland tribes who rarely revealed, the film also shows the many scenes action that challenges and create a tense audience can feel the tension experienced by the movie star. This movie is good for watching by us.
This film is suitable to be witnessed by the audience in the age of 15 years and over because in this film displays many elements violence that is not appropriate for the audience witnessed by under 15 years.